
Black Friday Dragons - Dragon TF Story - Part 8

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"Wait... what?" I said, taken aback.

"Fight me," said Zeus. "Just as a little test of strength. So, which one of you would like to go first?"

Kade and I hesitated. We looked at each other, and the look in Kade's eyes told me he was scared.

I was just about to volunteer when Kade spoke up.

"I'll do it," he said, though he sounded like he would like to do anything but fight Zeus.

"Great," said Zeus. "Let's head down to the arena!"

They flew down into the small ring. Soon, Zeus and Kade were facing each other, about five feet apart.

"Here are the rules," Zeus said. "No biting. You can probably guess why.

"No clawing anyone's face off. Again, you can probably see why yourself.

"Those are the only rules. Shall we begin?"

"Oh...ok," Kade said.

"Three," Zeus counted, "two, one, GO!"

Kade threw the first punch, aiming for Zeus's chest. Zeus blocked it with astounding speed, then countered with a hard blow to Kade's stomach.

Kade clutched his stomach, trying to breathe. Eventually he got his strength back and faked a left punch. Zeus fell for it, and Kade hit him with a hard blow to his right jaw.

"Agh!" Zeus grunted in pain. Zeus then moved quicker than I had ever seen any living creature move. He charged toward Kade and tackled him, pinning him to the ground.

Kade tried to push Zeus off, but he did not move.

"DONE!" Zeus said. He then rolled off of Kade and stood up.

Kade was panting. Zeus held out a hand to help Kade up, which Kade took.

"Good job," Zeus said. "Alright, Adrian? Your turn, right?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. I flew into the arena and Zeus and I faced each other.

"Three, two, one, GO!" I said. This time Zeus made the first move. He threw a punch straight for my stomach, which I blocked. I countered with a blow to the chest.

Zeus backed away. Then he charged again. I jumped out of the way just in time, and Zeus slammed into the wall.

I used the time Zeus was looking away to my advantage. I grabbed Zeus and chucked him, with surprising strength, across the arena.

He landed on the opposite wall. I could hear his groan from across the arena.

He stood up to fight again, and I could tell Zeus was angry.

He charged toward me, fist clenched. He grew a punch right for my face.

I blocked it in the palm of my hand. I tripped Zeus and pinned him to the ground.

"Done," I said simply.

I stood up and helped Zeus stand. "Woah," Zeus said. "I have never seen such strength from any dragon here."

"Dude, you should've seen how fast you were moving to block those punches," Kade said.

I smiled. "You did good, too," I said to Zeus.

"Anyway," Zeus said, "let's continue the tour."

Zeus showed us around the entire civilization. There was a large dining area, a kitchen (I could smell something cooking), and a lot of rooms.

"Oh, here's Porter's room," said Zeus. He pointed to room 342.

"Cool," Kade said.

We continued on until we reached a large courtyard-type room.

There were dragons lined up, about six feet apart, blowing fire at targets.

"Let me guess," I said, "this is where we enhance our fire-breathing abilities?"

"Exactly," Zeus said. "Well, I guess there isn't much left to show you but the library. Follow me."

We flew down farther until we reached a room loaded with books.

"I guess you can enjoy reading here until you want to leave," Zeus said. He then left the room.

I picked up a book I saw laying on floor. It didn't have a title.

Weird, I thought. I opened the book, and began to read.



I closed the book. I never liked prophecies.

"Kade, let's go," I said.

"Okay," said Kade, and we flew out of Civitas Dracones, into the human world.

"Where have you been?"

I sat down at the table, where my mom was looking at me with a worried look.

"Just out flying with Kade," I said. It wasn't technically a lie, as we flew throughout the tour of Citivas.

"Alright," Mom said.

After dinner I headed upstairs. I logged onto Skype and saw I had received a message.

"Is this Adrian Thomas?" it said.

It was from a number I didn't recognize.

I decided to be cautious, and I replied, "before I answer, who are you?"

I waited a few minutes, then I got a reply. "That is not necessary," it said. "Just tell me. Are you Adrian Thomas?"

I was worried. I didn't know who this person was, or how he had found my contact info.

"I know what you are," the person sent a few moments later.

That scared me. "You mean..." I wrote back.

I was going to type more, but the person sent another message.

"Yes, Adrian. You are a dragon. Formerly a human, too."

I was freaked out now. But then I decided, the only people who knew I was a dragon were the people at school, my family, Kade's dad, and the people of Citivus.

"Listen, I can help you," the person said. "Just hear me out, okay? Mesusuki had kidnapped the animal-people he transformed. But for what purpose? I know that. He is planning to start an army."

"Army?" I sent back.

"Yes, an army. He is going to build an army and take over the world. All of the worlds."

I sat in my chair, astounded at the news. "How do you know this?" I sent.

"That's not important. What is important is that YOU figure out what to do about this mess."

With that, the mysterious person disconnected, leaving me in my room, alone.

Yay part 8 :D

More mysterious plot from a mysterious Skype user. I bet you have NO idea what will happen at the end of this story (that won't come for LOOOOOOOOOOONG time) B-) (Cool) 

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Valter666's avatar
did you mean threw instead of grew?
because how did Zeus grow a punch?